Remembering Zaldibar

Remembering Zaldibar 

The landslide in the refuse tip in Zaldibar took place a year ago, and we still remember the death and grief of the families and families of Joaquin Beltrán and Alberto Sololuze, especially that of  Joaquin’s family whose body has still not appeared. Two weeks ago  a moving homage  was offered to the families, last week there were several actions within the Aldaketaldia to commemorate it (ours unfortunately had to be postponed) and today in Zaldibar they will once again remember and denounce that unfortunate event. Refusal disposal should never be a business to make profits! Now the Txalaparta publishing house has published a book called Zaldibar Zona Zero and Berria Egunkaria has made a short video about the events, which is worth watching. Our best tribute would be to reduce all the waste we generate and to take the necessary measures to demand that everyone  in our workplaces, schools and town halls does everything possible to tackle this problem. Next month, the BBT Climate Change Group intends to meet the municipal representatives of Mungia again to present them with a viable proposal. We believe that right from tomorrow the council can take the necessary steps to address this issue. All that we need is good will! Together we can do it!