What is the Climate Emergency and what can we do?


To answer these questions BBT has organized a talk on Climate Change on the 7th November and a World Cafe style discussion on possible solutions on the 21st November, both events being held at 18:30 in Mugire Txokoa, Mungia.

Greta Thunberg, the young Swedish climate change activist has been asking politicians to listen to the scientists, something that we have decided to do. That`s why we have invited Elisa Sainz de Murieta to give a talk on the effects of climate change. Elisa has been working in the Basque Centre for Climate Change for the last number of years so she will be able to provide us a lot of valuable information on the subject.  It will also give us an opportunity to ask her some questions and will undoubtedly lead to some interesting discussion.

But one thing is to know what climate change is and another thing is to know what to do about it. Where do we start? Well, being a transition group here in BBT we have already started and many of the proposals for the Participatory Budget process we made to Mungia Town-Hall were made with a view to providing measures to deal with climate change. But we are far from having all the answers and we are sure that by talking with a cross-section of society we are sure to come up with many more ideas.

So please be numerous to come to the talk and sign up for the World Cafe discussions. We need as many people as possible to take part!