Visit to the Botanical Historical Park of Isuskitza.

Visit to the Botanical Historical Park of Isuskitza.

Organized by Plentziako Herri Lurrak + BBT

The outing was coordinated by BBT and guided by Jesus Serrano of Plentziako Herri Lurrak, 20 people between 3 and 72 years of age set off from Butroi Castle in direction of the river estuary in Plentzia with a view to getting to know the Isuskitza botanical historical forest, located in the TRANPA ERREKA 13 hectare plot of land in the mountains owned by Plentzia town-hall.

This plot of land has several native tree nurseries (oak trees, ash trees, chestnut trees, …), which have been set up with the help of local schoolchildren and organized by Plentziako Herri Lurrak, as well as young plantations of these trees,which have been planted in order to recover a public forest that since the 13th century was used for shipbuilding in the town of Plentzia.

At the end of the visit we had some pintxos to conclude this day of collaboration between Plentziako Herri Lurrak and BBT in support of the cultural recovery of the native forest in the Butroi river valley.