On last Sunday 19th September BBT led the outing programmed by Jata Ondo called Uribe Open. This time the venue for the event was Derio and the theme of the walk was wild flowers. Luckily the road verges on the proposed walk hadn`t been cut and despite the fact that it is not the best time to see wildflowers there were still a good few species to be seen. As well as that, it was a lovely morning weather-wise and it didn`t rain. Our Biosfera coordinator Ana led the walk and an enthusiastic group listened carefully to her explanations on the importance of wildflowers as a source of nectar and pollen for our pollinators. But apart from the obvious important role that they play, wildflowers offer a pleasant touch of colour that can make us feel so happy.. Unfortunately our municipal authorities seem to think that cutting grass short and leaving it without wildflowers is the way green spaces should be maintained. Finally, once again Jabi and Cris were on hand to offer the group a well-deserved snack of local mainly ecological products. You can`t get better than that! Thanks to everyone who supported this event and we look forward to seeing you soon again!