Urban Nesting Birds
Mungia, like many other towns, is home to a wide variety of birds but in spring birds such as the housemartin and the swift travel from Africa to make their home in the rooftops of the blocks of flats.
However, it is not clear to what extent the numbers of these species are falling, but falling they are being so dependent on an ever-decreasing number of insects. But it’s not only the decline in the number of insects that affect these species, they are also affected by a loss of breeding places as in general modern buildings offer few nesting-places. As well as that, old buildings are repaired in such a way that they leave no room for these species to nest. In contrast to for example the local church in Fruiz, the San Pedro church in Mungia has not only blocked up any possible nesting holes but put spikes to stop any bird perching.
The Spanish ornithological organization has asked for volunteers to monitor the numbers of these urban birds so some members and sympathizers of BBT did a survey of the housemartin and swift colonies in Mungia and the aim is to do this every year not only in Mungia but in the neighbouring towns to see to what extent their populations are declining and to suggests ways of helping them.