River clean-up
On March 19 in line with the call for a world-wide strike we finally carried out the River Clean-up, which we had planned to carry out during the Aldaketaldia.
The weather didn’t help us but even so about 25 people showed up to help out. Moreover, this action has been widely supported (see poster), which shows that we are on the right track and that people are concerned about the theme of waste.. We formed two teams, one which went towards the rugby field and the other which started out at the Cooperative.
At first we thought there was little rubbish, but we finally put together a pile of rubbish in an hour and a half !! At the end we gave some explanations about waste management outside the town-hall and then took a picture with the rubbish collected. A big thanks to the groups that supported this action and, of course, to those who participated.
The next step will be to gather coffee waste from bars in Mungia one weekend in April. Coffee is produced in developing countries and is drunk here and is then usually dumped in landfills as waste. We believe it is possible to collect and compost most of it to help farmers in our region. At the moment, in Mungia, only 1% of the organic matter is collected. This percentage is insignificant, considering that up to 40% of the waste is organic matter! We consider it necessary to build a composting plant in Mungia, and we are confident that it can be profitable and economically sustainable for the region. That is why we hope to continue to work and meet with municipal representatives to discuss this issue.