On October 6, at 19:00, we have an interesting appointment at Plentzia Town Hall. On the one hand, there will be the presentation of the book, Isuskitza Herri Lurrak, and on the other hand, Elisa Sainz de Murieta, who until recently was a researcher in the BC3 Basque Climate Change Centre, has been invited to talk about climate change. Two years ago we also invited her to speak in Mugire Txoko, Mungia and it was very enriching and she will certainly provide some useful information for reflection.
As for the book, the Plentzia Public Lands Association will tell us how, with the help of the Plentzia Town Council, pupils from the Plentzia Secondary School and some volunteers, they have started recovering the public lands in Isuskitza for a native forest. But in the book we will find much more information about the history of this interesting neighborhood next to the Butroi River in Plentzia. And as we are talking about books, we have to mention another one, the very personal book «Memories of Txefe». Txefe is very well-known in Plentzia, and for anyone who know Plentzia, and especially the Gatzamiñe district, this book is a must! And it must be said that there are several connections between these two districts of Isuskitza and Gatzamiñe as many people from Isuskitza had to leave it and find a place to live in Gatzamiñe.