Naturazale un Gatika
Naturazale, the Environmental Volunteering Network of Bizkaia, is an initiative of the Lurgaia Foundation; in which BBT and other associations take part by joining forces to carry out conservation projects and protect the natural heritage and biodiversity. One of the first actions of Naturazale was the simultaneous removal of eucaliptus trees in different areas on June 30. The second action that was organized was the work camp for the week of July 15 to 19, which consisted of doing different tasks every day; BBT proposed to do maintenance work to improve the butterfly oasis in Gatika.
So this Friday a dozen volunteers met up in our premises, where Cristian told them about the activities we do in our association, and then Belen explained through a presentation the importance of the conservation of pollinators and Zerynthia`s Oasis butterfly flower garden project. Then, suitably motivated we went to the oasis of Gatika, where we spent the rest of the morning cutting the grass to clear the paths, cleaning the land of rubbish, removing the weeds in the flower beds and watering the flowers. And to end the day, some of us went to eat in the Herriko Taberna restaurant in Arrieta, where we have our Etxeko Denda of local, organic and fair trade products, to get back our energy and celebrate the work we have done.
Thanks very much to everyone who partcipated this day … it was a real success! We look forward to seeing you again soon!