It doesn`t matter how hard we try to lead a sustainable life, we are part of a system that still depends on fossil fuels. We know that we have to change this system if we are to avoid the worst effects of climate change. The system must be changed. There is no alternative, no planet B! Bearing that in mind there is something that everyone can do to compensate for our carbon emissions and it is called carbon offset. In BBT we offer members, followers, in fact anybody, or any business or association that wants to, the opportunity to offset their emissions by paying money into an account which is used exclusively to plant native trees on land managed by BBT, Lurgaia or similar groups and so contribute on the one hand to carbon sequestration and on the other hand to increasing native tree cover and biodiversity.
There are many ways of calculating your carbon footprint. In BBT we propose going to the following web page: to calculate roughly your own carbon footprint. According to most estimates one ton of CO2 can be compensated by planting 3 trees that live for at least 40 years, the cost of three trees works out at 25 euros so to offset say 4000 kgs / 4 tons you would need to pay nearly 100 euros to compensate for your carbon emissions. Of course you can pay installments and everyone has to decide if they can afford to pay anything. Once you have calculated the cost of your carbon emissions then you put the money into the carbon offset account Laboral Kutxa ES60 3035 0032 19 0320071588. Please put your name and surname and send us a quick email to to let us know that you have done it.
We will then inform you of when and where the trees will be planted and you will also receive a certificate to thank you for taking part. We hope to plant the first trees in November in Emerando Auzoa, Mungia and of course we hope that you will also take part in the planting of them along with other volunteers.
Finally, please spread the word. The more people who take part in this initiative the more native trees we can plant and the more we can help to improve our environment!
Sorry, but as I was watching an episode of En Plan Planeta (more about this and other programmes in another article), I was reminded of another easy carbon compensation initiative. Instead of using Google or Yahoo.etc. as a search tool, why not use Ecosia. The more you use Ecosia, the more trees are planted! It’s so easy so why don`t you go to the webpage to read more about it and then make it your main search tool!