A few weeks ago we received a request to go to Merana primary school IN bERANGOto help organize a butterfly oasis that the parents had decided to do. They found out about Zerynthia`s project and our involvement in it from Lurmena, local vegetable producer in Fruiz but more especially they had been inspired by their children`s former teacher, Peio, who set up a small permaculture market garden and got the parents involved in it as well. In the end they needed very little help from us and this week they planted the first flowers of their butterfly garden. It is always nice to see such a happy group of parents so involved with their children so thank-you June for the invitation and we look forward to seeing the weekly picture showing the flowers’ progress.
But it is not the only butterfly garden that BBT will be involved in as we have been asked and accepted to take part in the creation of a butterfly oasis at Laukariz school. And hopefully our proposal to make a butterfly garden and pond in Bakio will also be accepted so there is another project that anyone with green hands can become involved in.