This is the third year that the Basque Government, through its environmental groups EVE and Ihobe, has organized Asteklima to make people aware of the climate and energy crisis facing us. Every town-hall that wants to can apply for a grant to organize activities on this theme. This year Laukiz town-hall invited BBT to organize a walk in the village to explain the importance of wildflowers for wildlife, biodiversity and for our own well-being. Despite the fact that it was Laukiz local festival a dozen or so people turned up to accompany us on the walk where Ana, Belen and David gave explanations on not only the wildflowers, but more generally on the need to conserve our local biodiversity. And to end the morning members of the BBT consumer group offered a snack of local and/or ecological products, a nice way to end what was an interesting and relaxing morning. A big thank-you to the people who came along and we hope that we will continue to collaborate with Laukiz town-hall in the future.