September 27th was the date for the World Climate Strike and in Bilbo it was great success with thousands of people taking part in the mobilisations. In Mungia members and sympathisers of BBT prepared a large vegan paella for the young people who came back from Bilbo to protest outside Mungia Town-Hall as councillors voted on the Climate Emergency motion presented by BBT and Jauzi Berriztagarriak. Despite receiving the votes of EH Bildu, Elkarrekin-Podemos both the PNV and PSE voted against it. The PNV presented its own Climate Emergency motion which was accepted by all parties. Something is better than nothing!
In Gatika the same motion was presented by the platform against the Interkonexio Elektrikoa but was defeated. In Fruiz, having seen that that the PNV was not going to support the motion it wasn`t presented but a case was made for a Climate Emergency at the end of the meeting. The good news was in Bakio where the Climate Emergency motion was accepted by EH Bildu and Bakio Bai with the PNV abstaining. Both groups have agreed to start a process of citizen participation in order to fight climate change and work towards developing a local, sustainable economy with renewable energy at the centre of it. BBT will be taking part together with Bakio`s Haria Elkartea in this initiative. Finally, we are happy to say that the Climate Emergency motion has been accepted by Meñaka town-hall.