Solidarity Fridge
On Friday 17th November the Solidarity Fridge project was presented in front of a good number of people in Errota Gaztetxea by a representative of the Gaztetxea, Alvaro Saiz founder of the project and member of “GBGE Galdakaoko Boluntarioen Gizarte Elkartea” (Galdakao Humanitarian Volunteers Association) and members of BBT who are collaborating in the project.
Alvaro made it very clear that this is not just about giving food to people who need it, but just as important is the idea of not throwing away food. Members of BBT explained some of the difficulties they had experienced in trying to get this project up and going in the last two years and thanked the Gaztetxea for ensuring that it`s now up and running.
Alvaro finished by explaining some of the norms of use that can be found on the fridge but essentially it comes down to common sense with people leaving food with a date and names of ingredients used when not clear. Anyone can take any amount of food at any time as the important thing is that it is used. the fridge itself is just outside Errota Gaztetxea beside the path leading to the park.
In order to inform bars, txokos and restaurants we have agreed to meet up at 19:00 next Thursday, 23 November! Lets`s hope that it`s a success!