A few years ago the storks started making their nests again in a number of towns in the Basque Country such as Durango, Zornotza, Plentzia, Orduña and Mungia, in great measure thanks to Lurgaia who re-introduced them in Urdaibai from 2003-2008. As can be clearly seen the project has been very successful but there is a downside to this success story. Last year, for example,some “hunters” killed a stork in Urdaibai Park and in some towns such as Mungia where the storks have been using Telefonica`s aerials to make their nests, Telefonica has started putting things to stop them making their nests.
We must remember that the white stork is a protected species and as such neste building shouldn`t be impeded in this way, especially in view of the fact that they cause very little damage, if any. Thanks to one of our members who informed us of new obstacles to the nest-building in Mungia, Butroi Bizirik decided to take action and organized a petition on Change.org, where we have asked these nests to be respected. As well as that, we have started collecting signatures in Mungia and on 18th February we put a telescope to see the storks better and a table to collect more signatures. On talking to some of the neighbours it`s very clear that nobody likes what Telefonica is doing.
Nevertheless, it looks like this year too the storks have overcome the obstacles and started to build the nest again!